DSI is a 501-C-3 not-for-profit organization that provides services for adults & children with mental, physical, and emotional challenges.
Heart of Indiana United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community.
Since established in 1985, the Henry County Community Foundation has made grants of more than $13.5 million. We have assets of $32 million.
Come see what you should be proud of!
LifeStream Services provides programs and services to help older adults and people with disabilities remain independent and active in their homes and communities.
Your Success is Our Business
We believe everyone deserves a happy holiday season.
Printed courtesy of www.nchcchamber.com/ – Contact the New Castle-Henry County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
100 S. Main Street, Suite 108, New Castle, IN 47362 – (765) 529-5210 – shonda@nchcchamber.com